Lectures & Publications
Plain language meets foresightPress Articles BrandPractice Blog

Currently in the Press
How the transformation of traditional brands succeeds
Traditional brands are under great pressure. Some are being squeezed between new trend brands on the one hand and the dictate to save money on the other. How do manufacturers and brands manage to remain relevant for new generations of customers?
Brand retreat for NIVEA: How a detox treatment brings more focus during growth
The brand NIVEA is withstanding the economic challenges of our time. We took a closer look at their brand management for Handelsblatt magazine.
Putin’s wake-up call: Three lessons for an awakening in politics, business and society
How we can prepare for challenges like the pandemic, flooding, and war in Europe.
BrandPractice Blog
From CEO to crisis expert for people and technology: 3 questions for CEO Thorsten Logemann
The CEO of intersoft consulting services AG Thorsten Logemann summarizes the result of his identity development process as follows. “I have a clear compass for my content on LinkedIn. After a short time, I felt that my “identity” resonated with people.”
Combining several cultures in one Brand Identity
Developing and establishing a unifying DNA is a complex challenge, especially in globally active organizations. In this article, we show how different cultures can be brought together under one brand, by using the example of our client hep.
From ice hockey idol to strong brand: 4 questions for Florence Schelling
Identity development after the end of a career provides answers to the questions: “What drives me, away from sport?” “What do I actually stand for?” and “What does my personal compass for the future look like?”
Inspiring plain language lectures

6 Practical tools for
your attractive SME brand
How can medium-sized companies become equally well-known and attractive? With our six practical tools, you will benefit from the recipes for success used by world-famous brands. You will learn how your organization can grow into a desirable brand in the digital age – without a large marketing budget.
- What tricks can SMEs learn from big brands like Tesla and Apple?
- How do proud but often underestimated SMEs use simple rules to lead their brand to more sales and success?

In 5 steps: Retain employees and
attract suitable applicants
- How can a unique culture be built?
- Why should you avoid being attractive to every applicant at all costs?

6 Impulses, how transformation
in companies really succeeds
- How can change be achieved in a way that strengthens employee identification and the attractiveness of the brand for regular customers?
- How does the company’s DNA make the difference as a guiding compass – especially during growth?

Credible, sustainable positioning
in the SME sector
From burden to growth engine: with a clear sustainability positioning, SMEs can set themselves apart from the competition – without buzzwords. This presentation inspires you to develop a credible understanding of sustainability and provides effective guidance for successful implementation.
- How do organizations avoid being branded as green free riders?
- How can a credible understanding of sustainability be developed as an anchor for identification?

Towards a meaningful performance culture
in organisations and Society
Achievement-free prosperity is a utopia. And the eternal “higher, faster, further” produces burn outs non-stop. This lecture inspires a new understanding of performance that gives meaning and makes you want to perform – and grows from the DNA of your organization.
- How can each person and organization achieve individual peak performance through their own efforts?
- How can identity serve to establish a highly specific performance culture in organizations?

3 cardinal mistakes when answering the question “Why?” and how to avoid them
When people talk about purpose, they often start to use empty phrases. Yet there is so much power in a unifying core purpose: an anchor of identification for employees. A growth lever in business. A source of meaning for applicants and for yourself. The presentation includes eye-opening examples from the SME sector and shows which three cardinal mistakes you should avoid at all costs.
How can an effective core purpose change an entire corporate culture?
How do you create a unifying core purpose – without platitudes and marketing platitudes?
Recent lectures
How we fight climate change with re-signing and clear sustainability positioning
How can we create conscientious innovation that helps slow down climate change? This was the question Christopher Spall discussed with Medinge Group during Innovation Week in Oslo.
The seven principles for achieving peak performance
Christopher Spall spoke at the Rotary Club Bayerwald-Zwiesel about the genesis of the principles and how they are passed on to children and young people through the Peak Performer Foundation.
Authentic self-development in three steps
The inspirational lecture for the Marketing Club Rhein-Mosel e.V. made it vividly clear that personal branding is about much more than self-marketing.
Selected lecture references

What our inspirational lectures are all about
- Individually tailored to the needs of the audience
- Guiding examples from the world’s strongest brands
- Concrete solutions for the challenges of our time
- Practical aids for immediate application
- Lots of ideas on things everyone can do themselves
Peak Performer
Learning from top performers to master real life
Magdalena Neuner, Christopher Spall and Christian Grams
Murmann publishing house
The first inspirational book for a new performance culture
Personal branding
What turns people into strong brands
Christopher Spall and
Holger J. Schmidt
Springer Gabler Publishing House
How you can successfully build your own personal brand from within