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Plain language meets foresight

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BrandPractice Blog

Combining several cultures in one Brand Identity

Combining several cultures in one Brand Identity

Developing and establishing a unifying DNA is a complex challenge, especially in globally active organizations. In this article, we show how different cultures can be brought together under one brand, by using the example of our client hep.

Inspiring plain language lectures

Lecture Strong brand in the SME sector

6 Practical tools for
your attractive SME brand

How can medium-sized companies become equally well-known and attractive? With our six practical tools, you will benefit from the recipes for success used by world-famous brands. You will learn how your organization can grow into a desirable brand in the digital age – without a large marketing budget.


  • What tricks can SMEs learn from big brands like Tesla and Apple?
  • How do proud but often underestimated SMEs use simple rules to lead their brand to more sales and success?
Success Factor Employer Brand

In 5 steps: Retain employees and
attract suitable applicants

Many companies try to retain or attract employees with fruit baskets, table football and social media ads. However, employees often change jobs not because of this, but because of the working atmosphere. We reveal how SMEs can improve their reputation as an attractive employer, reduce staff turnover and attract suitable applicants in five simple steps.  

  • How can a unique culture be built?
  • Why should you avoid being attractive to every applicant at all costs?

DNA as a Compass for Change

6 Impulses, how transformation
in companies really succeeds

The key competence in the 21st century is the ability to transform. AI, war and climate change are confronting companies with major changes. The presentation provides six principles based on experience from over 100 transformation projects.  

  • How can change be achieved in a way that strengthens employee identification and the attractiveness of the brand for regular customers?
  • How does the company’s DNA make the difference as a guiding compass – especially during growth?
Sustainability Brand

Credible, sustainable positioning
in the SME sector

From burden to growth engine: with a clear sustainability positioning, SMEs can set themselves apart from the competition – without buzzwords. This presentation inspires you to develop a credible understanding of sustainability and provides effective guidance for successful implementation.


  • How do organizations avoid being branded as green free riders?
  • How can a credible understanding of sustainability be developed as an anchor for identification?
Lecture Rethinking Performance

Towards a meaningful performance culture
in organisations and Society

Achievement-free prosperity is a utopia. And the eternal “higher, faster, further” produces burn outs non-stop. This lecture inspires a new understanding of performance that gives meaning and makes you want to perform – and grows from the DNA of your organization.


  • How can each person and organization achieve individual peak performance through their own efforts?
  • How can identity serve to establish a highly specific performance culture in organizations?
Lecture Don't call it Purpose

3 cardinal mistakes when answering the question “Why?” and how to avoid them

When people talk about purpose, they often start to use empty phrases. Yet there is so much power in a unifying core purpose: an anchor of identification for employees. A growth lever in business. A source of meaning for applicants and for yourself. The presentation includes eye-opening examples from the SME sector and shows which three cardinal mistakes you should avoid at all costs.


  • How can an effective core purpose change an entire corporate culture?

  • How do you create a unifying core purpose – without platitudes and marketing platitudes?

"Spall doesn't just make you brand, Spall makes you smarter. Valuable insights meet crisp, well-pointed assessments - without fear of big names."

Alexander Moethe, Handelsblatt

"The response exceeded anything we had ever seen before."

Jens Rauch, Member of the Board, Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg

"It was a great event that was inspiring all around. We've had nothing but positive feedback."

Silvia Lulei, Vogel Business Media GmbH & Co.

"Congratulations. You've got to the heart of the brand issue."

Uwe Buchmann, S&S Internet Systems

"Very inspiring and full of ideas."

Menna Chiara, Vogel Business Media

"Spall.is.fun. I really enjoyed your presentation. Above all, it was sustainable... the topic has been on my mind ever since."

Stefan Hoff, Managing Director nobeo GmbH, Member of the Group Executive Committee Euro Media Group, Chairman of the Board VTFF e.V.

"Sensational presentation! Thank you."

Sven Herpolsheimer

Recent lectures

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What our inspirational lectures are all about

  • Individually tailored to the needs of the audience
  • Guiding examples from the world’s strongest brands
  • Concrete solutions for the challenges of our time
  • Practical aids for immediate application
  • Lots of ideas on things everyone can do themselves


Peak Performer

Peak Performer

Learning from top performers to master real life

Magdalena Neuner, Christopher Spall and Christian Grams
Murmann publishing house

The first inspirational book for a new performance culture

Personal Branding

Personal branding
What turns people into strong brands

Christopher Spall and
Holger J. Schmidt

Springer Gabler Publishing House

How you can successfully build your own personal brand from within

No1Brands - Book with expert contribution by Christopher Spall

No. 1 Brands
The secrets of success for strong brands

Specialist article by Christopher Spall
Orell Füssli Publishers / K.-D. Koch (Ed.)

How every organisation can become a No. 1 Brand from within

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