The people behind our brand

Who we are

Fabian Gaertner

Every organisation and every person has a story to tell,
that is worth to be heard.

Fabian Gaertner

My brand essence:

The brand essence of Fabian Gaertner

What drives me:

I help people and organisations to implement feasible solutions under their own power.

Fabian Gaertner

My brand essence:

The brand essence of Fabian Gaertner

What drives me:

I help people and organisations to implement feasible solutions under their own power.

My story

The road from corporation to brand development for SMEs

Major milestones along my journey to Spall.macht.Marke were my master’s degree in marketing & international business and some extended periods overseas. During a stint in market management at Daimler Trucks in Stuttgart, I got a whiff of corporate air. But I found it difficult to breathe freely. I quickly realised where my place would be: Where decision-making is straightforward, and people are willing to get things done. Today, I can manage and drive forward DNA projects in highly complex environments – from fall protection for flat roofs to suppliers to the automotive industry. My ability to think my way into complicated business models and understand the people behind them helps me here.

Fabian in the USA Fabian’s path from Master’s to brand consulting

Fabian sonducting a workshop Fabian tackles it – with heart and soul

The focus is always on feasibility

I immediately feel connected with people who talk straight and get going. Because I feel that ultimately, an idea is only worthwhile if you put it into practice. So my guiding principle is: Consultation at eye level with the client – with a clear focus on feasibility.

I even follow this passion after hours by supporting small start-ups with their brand building.

The focus is always on feasibility

I immediately feel connected with people who talk straight and get going. Because I feel that ultimately, an idea is only worthwhile if you put it into practice. So my guiding principle is: Consultation at eye level with the client – with a clear focus on feasibility.

I even follow this passion after hours by supporting small start-ups with their brand building.

Fabian sonducting a workshop Fabian tackles it – with heart and soul

Across the finish line with curiosity and endurance

I was born in the Upper Harz region of Germany and have travelled lots of places in my life. Everywhere I went, I was genuinely interested in the people and issues I encountered along the way.

Whether in a classic workshop with a project team, as a sparring partner for start-ups or as an interim salesperson at a trade fair stand: I get stuck in – curious and full of energy. My time as a top athlete has left a particularly deep impression on me. Ten intensive years as a biathlete have taught me two skills above all: absolute focus and an unwavering will to persevere. Ultimately, for me, our projects are about doing the right things with the right energy. A former superior summed up my attitude to this well: Fabian, you’re like a racehorse. You jump as high as necessary to make it work.

Biathlon was one of the ways Fabian got in shape for his career as an ID Brand Consultant Biathlon has also made Fabian fit for his job as an ID Brand Consultant

Fabian at the forging course Even in his free time, Fabian wants to create things that last

Always in mind: The permanence of results

My hands-on mentality shows through in all my other hobbies as well: Whether hiking or jogging, I don’t dither, I just take the first step.

I find my balance working with my hands on leather and metalworking projects. Because even outside of my daily grind, it is important to me to create something that will last.

Which also unfortunately means that my toolboxes take up most of my living space.

Always in mind: The permanence of results

My hands-on mentality shows through in all my other hobbies as well: Whether hiking or jogging, I don’t dither, I just take the first step.

I find my balance working with my hands on leather and metalworking projects. Because even outside of my daily grind, it is important to me to create something that will last.

Which also unfortunately means that my toolboxes take up most of my living space.

Fabian at the forging course Even in his free time, Fabian wants to create things that last

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