Personal Branding
What do you stand for, uniquely, in one sentence?Personal Branding
Services can be copied, people can’t. We transform the power of personal identity into attractiveness for your brand. First, we find out what makes you unique. We find the essence of your approach – your values and what you are passionate about. Then we translate your brand into specific actions and practice applying them in every day life. Your clear stance becomes a compass for important future decisions. We help you to spark the next stage of your development.
Executive Branding
CEO Branding
Brand for Politicans
Personal Developement
Personal Branding in Sales
People are not chocolate bars
Don’t put labels on people. No human being fits on a supermarket shelf. That’s why we don’t treat you like a product. We are not looking for your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Personality tests like DISC or Myers Briggs pigeonhole people. They put them in drawers with generic names or colour codes. We don’t think this does justice to any individual. We know: every person has something that makes them distinctive. That’s why we just skip the labels and go deeper.
The 6 most common reasons why people hire us
- to develop their clear attitude
- to help with direction for a new phase of their career or life
- Clear stance and charisma as a leader
- to discover new things
- to show their own style
- to develop their (professional) life from their own DNA
Our identity development in practice
Matthias Steiner
“From Olympic champion to nutrition pioneer”
Florence Schelling
“From hockey star to focus finder”
Manfred Bender
“From professional soccer player to successful entrepreneur”
Kirstin Hennemann
“From Germany’s best to its most reputable shoemaker”
Birte Karalus
“From top presenter to consensus finder with a sense of depth”.
Thorsten Logemann
“From CEO to crisis expert for people and technology”
Jan Franz
“From HR executive to retention expert”.
Tobias Ott
“From employee to leader with an explicit compass”
Executive Branding
Using authentic role models for greater employee motivation and satisfaction
How do leaders become authentic role models? How do you increase employee satisfaction and retain top performers through motivated, meaningful managers?
Leaders are effective when they lead authentically and from within. To do so, they should define their own style instead of blindly copying the style of other managers or having no discernible attitude at all. Personal identity makes this individual attitude tangible. It turns managers into authentic role models who provide direction and meaning to their employees.
CEO Branding
A CEO with an authentic profile and clear compass
Did you know that half of a company’s reputation is based on the reputation of its CEO? This means that the image of the head of the company is as important as all marketing activities combined. Only not at Tesla. CEO branding is much more important there. In most organisations, however, the power of personality is underestimated.
So if 50% of your organisation’s reputation depends on the CEO, permit us to ask the question: How do you influence this 50%? Do you take advantage of the opportunity to systematically develop a clear profile of your company’s CEO? If you do, you increase your attractiveness with employees, customers, applicants, owners and the public, and you allow them to identify with you and your company.
Brand for Politicans
Goodbye chameleon: Creating an authentic and sought-after politician brand
The demand for politicians with a clear stance has never been greater. Personal trust in people is decisive in every election.
How do you get to the heart of your convictions so that you reach the people who count for you? What is your idea of tomorrow’s society, expressed in one sentence? How can you take a clear stance and be perceived as being auhentic at the same time?
Your personal brand provides the answers. Use it as a compass to build trust and as a valuable toolbox for all your appearances. Our identity development for politicians uses the tricks of the trade of the strongest politician brand of the 20th century: J. F. Kennedy.
Branding for Personal Development
The most exciting journey of discovery begins within you
We believe life is for living up to your own potential so you can make the greatest possible impact. To do so, we must decode and use our identity.
What is your inner drive? What is it that makes you tick at the core? How can you make your unique DNA usable and tangible for others?
We develop your identity as a compass for important future decisions and help you to spark the next stage of your development. It allows you to draw on your own essence to find meaning, strength and motivation for your distinctive life’s work.
From ice hockey idol to strong brand
“That’s me. 100 % Florence. Now I can live my DNA in a more focused way and I am sure where the journey is going for me. Thank you very much.”
Florence Schelling, Olympic and World Cup bronze medalist as Swiss national ice hockey goalkeeper, sports official and speaker
From solo-entrepreneur to strong corporate brand
Use your distinctive personality as a compass for future decisions
For the vast majority of self-employed people, confidence in their personality determines their success. Personal branding has therefore become a mandatory discipline for entrepreneurs.
Are you already successful and viewing success not as your motivation, but as the result of your work? Good. We see it exactly the same way. We develop your identity and clear attitude as a compass for important future decisions and help you ito spark the next stage of your development. This allows you to draw on your own essence to find meaning, strength and motivation for your distinctive life’s work – as an entrepreneur and a human being.
Personal Branding in Sales
Making the difference with personality – and selling more easily
Services can be copied. Never the person. How can each employee make the difference to the customer with his or her personality?
When does personality make the difference in sales? When employees know what they are passionate about. And if they can convey precisely this drive convincingly and authentically in one sentence. With the exception of a few naturals, most people in sales can’t identify the essence of their values, their contribution and drive, and bring it bear at the crucial moment. As a result, differentiation potentials and growth opportunities are wasted. And employees lack the inner motivation that provides meaning and makes extraordinary performance possible in the first place. We would like to change that.
Personal Branding – The Book
Christopher Spall is co-author of the standard text on personal branding.
“Personal Branding – What turns people into strong brands” explains the laws of modern branding and adapts them to the needs and specifics of personal development.
The book illustrates how you can successfully build your own brand from the inside out. And how people get to the heart of what makes them special and convey it to others in an authentic and impressive way.
Your path to a strong personal brand
Personal Branding Compact
Your convincing presence
LinkedIn Co.
- In-depth analysis to decode your self-image and how others perceive you
- 1 intensive workshop with personal branding experts (face-to-face or digital)
- Workshop 1:
Developing identity - Session 2
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Session 5
- Workshop 1:
- 2 x Implementation sessions (online) Ã 120 minutes to develop an action plan to purposefully, sensibly and consistently live your identity in the future
- 12 months permanent availability of a personal branding expert for sparring
Especially suitable for:
- People who are looking for more visibility
- People who want a clear stance
Personal Branding Intensive
Your distinctive expert profile and compass for your next stage
- In-depth analysis to decode your self-image and how others perceive you
- 3 Individual coaching sessions with personal branding experts (in person or digitally)
- Workshop 1: Developing
identity - Workshop 2: Develop
positioning and sharpen profile - Workshop 3: Plan
implementation strategy - Session 4
- Session 5
- Workshop 1: Developing
- 2 x Implementation sessions (online) Ã 120 minutes to develop an action plan to purposefully, sensibly and consistently live your identity in the future
- 12 months permanent availability of a personal branding expert for sparring
Especially suitable for people with HR responsibility and direct customer contact:
- In change processes
- Entrepreneurs Executives
- Consultants Coaches
Personal Branding Premium
Be formative with your own philosophy and inspire others
- In-depth analysis to decode your self-image and how others perceive you
- 5 intensive workshops with personal branding experts (face-to-face or digital)
- Workshop 1: Developing
identity - Workshop 2:
Carving out a personal reason for existence - Workshop 3: Develop
positioning and sharpen profile - Workshop 4: Plan
implementation strategy - Workshop 5:
Situation training link to the identity of your organization
- Workshop 1: Developing
- 3 x Implementation sessions (online) Ã 120 minutes to develop an action plan to purposefully, sensibly and consistently live your identity in the future
- 12 months permanent availability of a personal branding expert for sparring
Especially suitable for people with high presence:
- C-Level manager
- Politicians
- Public figures
Personal Branding Compact
Your convincing presence on LinkedIn Co.
Explore features
- In-depth analysis to decode your self-image and how others perceive you
- 1 intensive workshop with personal branding experts (face-to-face or digital)
- Workshop 1:
Developing identity - Session 2
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Session 5
- Workshop 1:
- 2 x Implementation sessions (online) Ã 120 minutes to develop an action plan to purposefully, sensibly and consistently live your identity in the future
- 12 months permanent availability of a personal branding expert for sparring
Especially suitable for:
- People who are looking for more visibility
- People who want a clear stance
Personal Branding Intensive
Your distinctive expert profile and compass for your next stage
Explore features
- In-depth analysis to decode your self-image and how others perceive you
- 3 intensive workshops with personal branding experts (face-to-face or digital)
- Workshop 1: Developing
identity - Workshop 2: Develop
positioning and sharpen profile - Workshop 3: Plan
implementation strategy - Session 4
- Session 5
- Workshop 1: Developing
- 2 x Implementation sessions (online) Ã 120 minutes to develop an action plan to purposefully, sensibly and consistently live your identity in the future
- 12 months permanent availability of a personal branding expert for sparring
Especially suitable for people with HR responsibility and direct customer contact:
- In change processes
- Entrepreneurs Executives
- Consultants Coaches
Personal Branding Premium
Be formative with your own philosophy and inspire others
Explore features
- In-depth analysis to decode your self-image and how others perceive you
- 5 intensive workshops with personal branding experts (face-to-face or digital)
- Workshop 1: Developing
identity - Workshop 2:
Carving out a personal reason for existence - Workshop 3: Develop
positioning and sharpen profile - Workshop 4: Plan
implementation strategy - Workshop 5:
Situation training link to the identity of your organization
- Workshop 1: Developing
- 3 x Implementation sessions (online) Ã 120 minutes to develop an action plan to purposefully, sensibly and consistently live your identity in the future
- 12 months permanent availability of a personal branding expert for sparring
Especially suitable for people with high presence:
- C-Level manager
- Politicians
- Public figures
Develop identity
In individual coaching or group workshops, you develop your identity on the basis of a self-image you will have worked up in advance, as well as the image of you which others have.
Sharpen profile
From more than 100 anonymous responses, we get to the heart of your credible identity.
Feel attraction
We translate your identity into specific ideas for the future that you can put into practice immediately.
Our 3-step
ID process for individuals
While personal branding is often understood as a guide to self-promotion and marketing or becoming famous, Spall Brand Identity goes deeper. We uncover your individual natural talents, passions and achievements and condense them into your distinctive personality brand.
Your benefits:
- An attractive reputation as an expert in your category
- Your inner drive in a nutshell
- More meaning, energy and joy in living
- Clear compass for yourself and others
- Appreciation for what you do
Our 3-step
ID process for
While personal branding is often understood as a guide to self-promotion and marketing or becoming famous, Spall Brand Identity goes deeper. We uncover your individual natural talents, passions and achievements and condense them into your distinctive personality brand.
Your benefits:
- An attractive reputation as an expert in your category
- Your inner drive in a nutshell
- More meaning, energy and joy in living
- Clear compass for yourself and others
- Appreciation for what you do
Develop identity
In individual coaching or group workshops, you develop your identity on the basis of a self-image you will have worked up in advance, as well as the image of you which others have.
Sharpen profile
From more than 100 anonymous responses, we get to the heart of your credible identity.
Feel attraction
We translate your identity into specific ideas for the future that you can put into practice immediately.
Development stories
The Brand Check: Harris vs. Trump
Together with a team of four brand and identity experts, we have taken a close look at the presidential candidates over the last few months – in the four election-deciding categories. Our brand check is a kaleidoscope of insights that shows who is the stronger brand. And what it really takes for Harris to win.
From CEO to crisis expert for people and technology: 3 questions for CEO Thorsten Logemann
The CEO of intersoft consulting services AG Thorsten Logemann summarizes the result of his identity development process as follows. “I have a clear compass for my content on LinkedIn. After a short time, I felt that my “identity” resonated with people.”
From ice hockey idol to strong brand: 4 questions for Florence Schelling
Identity development after the end of a career provides answers to the questions: “What drives me, away from sport?” “What do I actually stand for?” and “What does my personal compass for the future look like?”