The seven principles for achieving peak performance

23. May 2022

Lecture Rotary Rain

On behalf of the Peak Performer Foundation, Christopher Spall, together with Dr. Christian Grams, both managing directors of the Peak Performer Foundation, addressed the Rotary Club Bayerwald-Zwiesel. The core of the presentation was the genesis of the seven principles for achieving peak performance – and how they are passed on to children and young people through the Peak Performer Foundation. This led to an exciting discussion with the Rotarians about what skills we should be giving our kids today and how this can involve school and home.

“These seven principles, summed up by over 30 top performers from the German-speaking world, are also my principles. They are the key to my success. That’s why I want to pass on these very teachings. They can help kids grow from within and form their own identity. That’s why I’m committed to the Peak Performer Foundation with all my might. We want to make a difference not only for organizations and leaders, but also for our kids. Why? The leverage on the world of the day after tomorrow is simply much greater.”

Christopher Spall, Managing Director Peak Performer Foundation

Rotary Club Bayerwald-Zwiesel

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