Corporate Branding

Where is your organisation on the path to becoming a strong brand?

Corporate Branding

Wir erfinden Ihre Marke nicht neu, um ihr mehr Strahlkraft nach innen und außen zu verleihen. Es ist die Kraft der DNA Ihrer Organisation, die wir nutzen, um die Attraktivität entscheidend zu steigern. Zuerst schürfen wir heraus, was Ihre Organisation unverwechselbar macht. Dann bringen wir die Positionierung auf den Punkt und entwickeln daraus Werkzeuge zur Profilierung der Marke. So machen wir Ihre starke Marke spür- und erlebbar. Und so schaffen Sie das Fundament für Wachstum und Erfolg für Organisationen.

For organisations_ID Company Brand

ID Company Brand

Find out what makes your organisation distinctive – for more growth and distance from the competition

ID Employer Brand

ID Employer Brand

Become a sought-after employer with a clear profile – provide direction to your employees and applicants

ID Sustainability Brand

ID Sustainability Brand

Sharpen your contribution to the environment and society – become a credible green pioneer

Selected references B2B

Selected references B2C

"Very concrete and practical recommendations, which we could implement directly at Almdudler."

Claus Hofmann-Credner

Claus Hofmann-Credner
Marketing Manager
Almdudler Limonade A. & S. Klein GmbH & Co KG

"120 % analytical precision and accuracy."

Frank Dietrich

Frank Dietrich
Managing Director
Winzerkeller Sommerach eG

"Authentic, honest - always straightforward. Motivating and provocative."

Markus Meißner

Markus Meißner
Managing Director
cateno GmbH & Co. KG

The 11 most common reasons why organisations hire us

  • New positioning in the market is necessary
  • Not enough suitable applicants
  • To differentiate themselves in the market
  • Compass for growth
  • Exchangeable brand appearance
  • Acquisition or merger
  • To build a new brand
  • To retain top performers and strengthen their identification with the company
  • to show their own style
  • To develop a company culture from their own DNA
  • To turn employees into brand ambassadors

Your journey to a distinctive brand starts here

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